Wednesday, August 27, 2014


My New Router Table

My carpenter neighbor built me a sturdy table to hold my router table.

It is soooo easy to use now.
He made it just my height.
It stays in place when I'm pushing on the boards that I'm cutting.
See that little silver latch on the front?  That is to open and lean the table back so I can replace the router bit. 
Isn't this nice!!

This is the bit that I used for these boards. I really like this edge.

That shelf is to hold my shop vac to catch all of the saw dust and it really does catch it all.  Standing so close and leaning over the table, I didn't have to breathe in any of the dust.  He even custom made a little pvc attachment so my vacuum hose would fit the router table outlet.
See those two rollers on the bottom?

See the posts on this side?
He thought of everything.
On this side, I just lift the table and pull and the rollers on the other side let it roll so I can move it wherever I need to.
Being a carpenter, he thought of everything that might be a problem for me using my router.
So easy! 
 And, so nice!
Thank you, Clint!!


  1. Hello Lynda,
    Power tools are so much fun! I dont know what I would do without them, that is an AWESOME set up!! great post! stop by my blog someday when you have a chance.. :)
    hope you had a great labor day!!

    1. Hi Jess, Yes my new table was sooo easy to use. You have to hold the piece of wood so tightly and push at the same time and it was great that the table wasn't moving.

  2. Nice set up for sure. I've gotten get my hands on some power tools! Would make things much easier :)

  3. Very nice! Your new table looks very sturdy and convenient. We're not so patiently awaiting the arrival of a new workbench for our lathe right now.

    Visiting from Create it Thursday!

    1. Having just the right place to work is so important and makes the job so much easier! Hope you get your workbench soon.

  4. Oh how lovely! I have had wonderful neighbors like this as well. Aren't they a sweet blessing!

    1. I'm happy to have a neighbor who knows what to do to make it easier for me to be a carpenter. I keep trying :)

  5. What a great addition to your woodworking tools - definitely will make things easier for you. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  6. This is a really nice machine and base!
    You are amazing! I still haven't tried power tool...LOL
    Thanks for linking!
