Monday, February 17, 2014


About three years ago, I painted this special, aged technique on Stephanie's kitchen cabinets.
A few weeks ago, she told me they were building a new vent-a-hood and wanted me to paint it, too.

They showed me a picture of the finish they wanted and I said "I CAN do that!!"  It looked a lot like my "antique silver" finish that I've painted many times.

I love how Stephanie chose this tile to go on her new vent-a-hood.  It goes so well with the metallic "antique silver" and metallic gold trim that I painted.  The tile reflects the light and just sparkles!
Remember, you might not see the metallic silver paint finish unless it is reflecting light, too.

My trusty old wooden ladder.
I was looking for the post to Stephanie's kitchen cabinets so I could give you a link to see them "before" the new vent-a-hood, but realize I've never shared that with you. 
So, that will be my next post.
Stephanie's kitchen cabinets before and after.

Stephanie replaced her ovens and needed me to paint the new little trim around that area to match her kitchen cabinets.  Thank goodness, I keep records of the paint colors, techniques, etc.  I've needed that information quite a few times for other clients, too.
And, this is the "before" picture of the newly built vent-a-hood.
It is made out of plywood and the builder primed it for me.
That was good, because Stephanie was hoping I could get it painted and finished for her
Superbowl Party!
My basecoat was called "Seahawk", but I never mentioned that because I didn't know who they would be rooting for.  Didn't want them to think I might have jinxed them with that paint color!!
Stephanie and her husband came home on their lunch break to see how it was going...I was finished painting and they LOVED how it looked with their kitchen and new appliances.
That made me feel good, too.


  1. That's a really pretty finish and it looks great.

    1. Thank you, Maggie, They have such a beautiful kitchen and home. My pictures never can show just how nice these finishes and homes really are.
