Monday, October 7, 2013


A few months ago, I decided I needed gutters on one part of my house.  There was just too much water coming down in that one area.  Gus is the guy who helps me a lot and I asked him to install the gutters.  I went to the hardware store and got some of those roll out bright green water diverters to attach to the bottom of the downspout.  I kept looking at those and knew I just could not live with such a plain, common downspout.  I knew this was an opportunity to create!!

Gus and I designed these and I just LOVE the way they look.  I already had the rocks and the decorative tiles.  As he was building the drains with concrete, I placed the tiles and rocks.

And, I had several metal birds and thought they would look so beautiful on my downspout that looks like a river or waterfall.  They are bright metallic gold and I smeared concrete on them to make them look messy and old.  (Old is what I do in my work and love things to look old.)

This is the other one.  Over time, it will get more and more stained and I'll love that.  I might even paint some stain on the areas that are not getting naturally stained by the water off of my roof.

Gus dug and put a pvc pipe under my rock walk to divert the water.  Look who now calls it his/her home.  That big ole toad frog is always in there during the day and comes out at night

While the concrete was still wet, I asked Gus to put a few of these tiles along my rock walk and I added this little cement dove.  He was wiping and cleaning the concrete from the tiles and I asked him to smear and smudge the concrete ON them.  I think that looks old and when they finally get stained from weather, they'll look really nice, (to me).

Excuse me!! I'm trying to take a photo, here!!!
Charlie and Punkin started playing in my way.

I live on a hill and am always working to divert water from going under my house. So, I asked Gus to build this rock border to keep excessive rain water from flowing under the studio part of my home.
I just took this photo and am very proud and happy to say it rained last night and this morning as a cold front was coming through.  We have been in a horrible drout and really appreciate any rain that comes our way.


  1. Bonjour,

    Une idée très originale et réussie... Gros bisous

  2. Well, how cool are those!?!?! They are gorgeous AND functional- you can't get better than that. I LOVE them- xo Diana

    1. Thank you! They're by my two back doors and I love seeing them.

  3. Miss Lynda this is THE BOMB ******, oh my goodness I loooooove it, It is Gaudi delicious, thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous creative project it FABULOUS, have a wonderful week...

    1. Thank you, Dianne!! I love them, too and they weren't real hard to make.


  4. Thats what I call a smart move! Not only do they look very nice & decorative but they serve a purpose aswell & that is the best thing!! Love the way they look. Infinite likes for this!

    Jessica x

  5. So practical, but yet so beautiful! Love it!

    1. Thank you!! They work very well and take rain water away from my house. I'm very happy with them.

  6. Totally amazing and creative, Lynda. I love this idea.
