Monday, October 14, 2013



This is little Mollie.  
Her mommy left her under my bedroom window when she was a tiny kitten.  
 One night, I kept hearing a tiny "meow".  I took a flashlight out and looked in the cast iron leaves under my bedroom window and couldn't see anything.  Then, the next morning I saw Charlie staring at something in the bushes in the backyard. 
 Mollie had squeezed under the back gate.  
The love began!
She and Charlie became best friends and it was so much fun to watch them play.  Kittens are just so, so cute anyway, playing and stalking everything.  I tried to get her to live in the garden shed, but she loved Charlie and insisted on following him in the doggie door.  
I could not keep her out of the house.
I'm a painter and my studio is big and open.  She would climb on my shelves and knock paint off.  Twice when I was painting a bench and a table, she jumped up on the wet paint.  I know she was just trying to be with me, but it JUST COULD NOT WORK!! 
 Too frustrating for me.
When she was smaller, she would sleep in this bowl.  So cute!  
She was a sweet, beautiful tortie calico, but I had to find her a new home.
For a whole year, I searched and looked for the perfect home.  
I felt sooooo guilty, but just could not have her inside my house.
Finally, my friend Monica found her a WONDERFUL home.  They had three other cats and just loved Mollie.  Their cats were "inside" only, so that was perfect for her.
That was three years ago, but I still remember her and every once in a while, I have a little guilt feeling, but she's wonderfully happy, now.  Marty is the new mom and she has shared photos and let me know how happy Mollie is and how happy they are to have her.
Slowly, I'm getting over it.


  1. Oh- That is hard, Lynda. We had the same thing with a cat we had. We lost his companion and he was so lonesome...he quit eating and just crept around and slept all the time. Finally, out of desperation, we asked my friend if she could take him and see if he could integrate with her two kitties. He blended in beautifully and he is old sassy self. He has been gone for 3 years now. I still think of him often- xo Diana

    1. So glad your story turned out good, too. I'm thinking it's just me. Mollie probably doesn't even remember us. But, that's a good thing.

  2. Bonjour,

    Je comprends votre culpabilité mais je sais que votre décision a été préférable pour elle. Elle a trouvé sa véritable maison. De la savoir heureuse elle la meilleure consolation.
    Merci pour le partage de ces très jolies photos.

    Gros bisous

    1. I think you're right about the decision being best for her. I'm much calmer now, too. It was very stressful, not knowing what would happen next in my studio.

  3. Aww, she's in a happy home so don't feel too bad. I have two cats and I love them so much but once in a while when they're acting up...well, I won't say it but you know what I mean!

    1. Yes, she's in a very good home. She probably doesn't even remember her past.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry she had to go. At least she's in a great place now. Kittens and puppies are the best. They can provide hours of entertainment just being themselves.

    1. Hi Maggie, she was so much fun and she and Charlie really loved each other.
