Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Jill and Kevin are expecting their second child in a few weeks and it's a boy.  They had his room painted a beautiful blue with white trim and the furniture is very dark stained wood.
They LOVE baseball and wanted a baseball theme in their baby boy's room.  So, Kevin Googled baseball themes and several hand painted baseball walls came up.  
They asked me to paint one wall to look like an old baseball.
When I arrived to work on the wall, they already had it painted with a basecoat and Kevin had drawn the two big curves for the stitching.  He drew them with a pencil and did a great job.
I Googled baseballs and found a picture of a dirty old baseball.  That was my "inspiration".
It looked sooo cute and they were so happy with the way it turned out.  Now, they can finish decorating and get ready for that sweet baby boy to arrive.


As I said, they had already painted a satin finish off white base coat.  And, Kevin had already drawn the two big curved seam lines on the wall with a pencil.
First, I painted over and gently shadowed with a dark brown paint, the seams/big curved lines that Kevin had drawn. Then, with a small brush I painted the stitches a dark red.  At the end of each stitch, I painted a dark brown dot to look like the needle holes.  I used the tip of my brush handle, dipped it in the paint and touched the spot where I wanted the needle holes to be.  Then, I used a very light brown glaze that I had mixed and I faux painted the whole wall to look like an old baseball.
When I found the picture on Google, I noticed that some of the stitch arrows were pointing up and the stitches on the other side were pointing down.  I showed it to my neighbor and he told me it was a mobius strip/circle.  It's interesting, if you want to look it up.
So, when you are painting your baseball wall, remember the two-way arrows.
Have fun!  It was fun for me!
Original post was 12/17/12


  1. Thank you! The parents were very happy, too. And, I looked at your blog and you've done a great job on your home. I love the colors.

  2. This is so adorable, Lynda. I just love it. My daughter is expecting but doesn't want to know the sex of the baby ahead of time. I'll show her your post just in case.

  3. Thank you, Maggie. How fun, a new grandbaby! If she decides to do the baseballwall, please feel free to ask me any questions.

  4. Would you mine elaborating on which paint colors you used, and how you mixed and applied the glaze? Thanks so much!

  5. Your base coat can be a very light beige or off-white. Then, paint your thread and seams. Then, I mixed "raw umber" to my glaze, to get an antiquing glaze. You can get your clear glaze from Lowe's. Maybe they will have a light brown antiquing glaze. It's not hard to do, just do a little practice on poster board, etc. Paint your base coat, let it dry and then age it with your glaze, til you get the look you want. Good luck and hope that helps.

  6. Now this is such a clever and creative idea. I adore it. Thanks so much for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was my client's idea and it really did look cute to have a whole wall painted like a baseball.

  8. Wow Lyda this really looks like a baseball, not that I have eve held on, so I wouldn't know the difference, it still looks fabulous. thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week..

  9. Excellent job! I love how the glaze gives it that old look!

  10. This is such a fun painting technique. I bet a lot of little boys would love this. Thanks for sharing at TTF this week.


    1. It looked so cute! The hardest thing was drawing the lines for the stitching, but I didn't have to do that part. The daddy-to-be did.

  11. This is too cute! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Awesome idea you have tsking it and running with it....I have 2 Grand Daughters that are into Softball...what a great idea in YELLOW ! lol..I made pillow cases yellow and pink before...Think this would be nic e too! you did great thanks again for sharing!

  13. Thank you! I know they would LOVE it! and, how cute to make it in pink and yellow.

  14. Really a cute idea for a boys room Lynda. Love how it turned out! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  15. What a cool project. That will be enjoyed for years! Stopping by from Lakeshore Drive, have a great week!
    Kim @ *Soliloquy Of Food & Such*

  16. Great idea! Turned out awesome!


  17. Thank you! Yes, it really was cute with blue walls.

  18. Too cute...such a GREAT idea! Turned out beautifully, as always!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!!!

  19. What a fabulous idea for a little boy! I love it and I'm so happy you shared it at my HOME. I am sure it be be a hit with the little boy too someday.


    1. It was especially special because the father and grandfather are huge baseball fans. I'm sure this baby boy will be, too.

  20. Sorry, I meant to write 'I am sure it will be a hit!'

  21. Love it Linda! It really does look like a worn baseball. Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!


    1. Thanks, Deborah. The colors seemed to turn out just right for the aging.

  22. What a wonderful wall - you did an amazing job - so very unique! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  23. Thank you! I think it would be fun for anyone to paint a baseball wall.

  24. It turned out great! I have been debating on what to do to my son's rooms and this makes me realize there are way more possibilities than I thought there was! Thanks for sharing at the Friday Follow Along. Hope to see you again at www.leahinspired.com

    1. Thank you! I think ya'll would have fun painting your baseball wall. I've seen a mirror and a picture frame made out of bats that were sliced in half (lengthwise). That is a really cute idea, too.

  25. Nice effect. Lines are absolutely fantastic. imidesignstudio.com

  26. Bonsoir,

    L'idée est très originale et le résultat magnifique. Nul doute qu'un petit garçon doit être fier d'avoir une telle chambre.

    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Thank you Martine! It was fun to paint. I bet he will love the wall because his father and grandfather are so crazy about baseball. Happy Bastille Day!

  27. Can you provide more detail when you say "faux painted the whole wall to look like an old baseball"? In particular what method did you use and tools etc.

    1. The wall was already painted a light off white. I used a rag and just rubbed and patted a light brown glaze over the off white. I was trying to make it look like a dirty old baseball. I think if you use a light brown glaze over a painted wall, anything you do will look like what I did. I mixed my glaze, but you can ask your paint store to make you a very light glaze.
